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Archives: 2013

New Year, New Financial Outlook

Consumers should reevaluate their insurance coverage and budget in the new year....

New Year and No Debt – How to Save in 2014

Getting out of debt is a resolution that many Americans attempt to tackle. In fact, 34% of Americans make getting out of debt a New Year’s resolution. With over 80% of the nation struggling to get out of debt, it’s easy to see why this resolution tops the list....

Could You Be Serving Up a Lawsuit at Your Holiday Party?


Could You Be Serving Up a Lawsuit at Your Holiday Party?

As millions of Americans host and attend holiday parties across the street or across the country, many may be unaware of the risks. According to Trusted Choice® independent insurance agents, party hosts need to understand their responsibilities when inviting others into their homes and serving food and drinks....

Make Room for the New, and Take a Home Inventory During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration and family. Most people have a few extra days of vacation to relax, and some use this time to play catch-up or finish projects that have been looming for the past year....