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Archives: 2012

Hail to the Chief: Presidents and Insurance

If you were like many Americans over this past weekend you may have noticed an uptick in car dealership commercials featuring men in stovepipe hats and powdered wigs. That’s right, Monday was President’s Day, which began as a celebration of George Washington’s birthday (February 22) and was later expanded to include celebrations of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday....

Spending President’s Day Weekend Car Shopping? Don’t Forget Your Insurance Coverage!

Hail to the chief! If you’re in the market for a new car, depending on what type of vehicle you’re looking for, President’s Day Weekend may be the time to find it. In addition to certain discounts from the automakers, dealerships also may be offering deals or incentives to buy....

Sounds too Good to be True: Downloading Illegal Music

Remember the days of curling up to the radio on a Saturday night, torturing yourself through commercials and lame tunes just to be able to crank it when Mr. DJ played your favorite song?...

D&O Insurance: Protection from Boardroom Liability

Many people will celebrate the holiday by giving back to their community. Volunteering time or services to a company or non-profit organization may be a selfless act of generosity, but these acts of goodwill can also expose volunteers to possible lawsuits if they are making decisions on behalf of the organizations or company....

Hosting a Super Bowl Party? There Could Be More than Team Pride on the Line

Hosting a Super Bowl party is a great way to cheer on your team if you can’t make it to the stadium in Indianapolis this Sunday, but make sure you know and manage the risks of hosting the big game day party. In many states, individuals hosting parties can be held liable in cases where a guest or third party is injured in an accident...