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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Jesús' Story

Seventeen-year-old Jesús had never left Texas. He often dreamed of crashing waves and warm sand – peaceful and serene. But he had yet to see the ocean for himself. He had a clear vision of his wish: “I always pictured myself one day in the ocean with my family.” He wished to go to Hawaii....

Alan's Wish

Today is a 30-story "yes!" for Alan. Because of his fight against cancer, he constantly hears the word "no;" everyday is full of restrictions to protect his health and they keep him from living a regular kid's life. His wish frees him from every boundary....

Jeremiah's Story

Two-and-a-half-year-old Jeremiah suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. When his mother heard about the Make-A-Wish Foundation, she knew…this is what her son needs. She recognized the emotional healing power of making his wish come true. She understood how it could bring him comfort, despite living with around–the–clock nursing care. Jeremiah’s wish for a bedroom makeover continues to change his life today....

Jacob's Story

Jacob is speechless, in awe of the majestic creatures breaking the ocean’s surface. Watching whales in the wild is the highlight of Jacob’s wish to go on a cruise to Alaska. This wish is meaningful to his entire family of eight....

Daynin's Story

It’s Daynin’s seventh birthday party. She peers into a corral her father built. But it’s empty … she thought there might be a pony waiting inside to complete the farm at her Texas home. But it looks like her dog, duck and chickens will have to wait until another day for a pony to join them....